10 Facts about Solar Energy that everyone should know

Solar energy is the energy being produced by the sun for millions and billions of years. Solar energy is counted among the most essential energy sources for life forms. Unlike the many non-renewable sources of energy such as fossil fuels, solar energy is a renewable one. The technologies used for acquiring solar energy use the energy of the sun to light and heat homes, produce hot water and electricity.


This form of energy is easy to maintain and install as well. Certain facts about solar energy come out to be really interesting. The sun, of course, is the richest renewable energy source. For many years, humans have perceived their future to be solar. And therefore, they have put their best foot forward in this way. The facts listed below will show how this resource is being used to its best potential.

  1. Solar energy is 100% free energy source and is available in cornucopia. The sun is definitely 90 long million miles away from the earth, but it still only takes not even 10 complete minutes for sunlight to travel to earth.
  2. It is possible to classify the solar technology into active and passive. Solar thermal collectors and photovoltaic panels that employ solar energy fall under active solar technology, while constructing rooms to enhance air circulation and orienting space to properly use sunlight fall under passive solar technology.
  3. Around 173,000 terawatts of solar energy continuously hits the Earth which makes this form of energy the most plentiful source of energy on the planet. The amount of energy that strikes the planet is over 10,000 times the total energy used in the world.
  4. Solar insulation leads to water cycle which is really important. It is due to solar radiation absorption by the earth, atmosphere and oceans that their temperature increases. Warm air elevates from oceans which leads to convection. When the air reaches up, condensation of water vapor creates clouds which lead to rains that again bring water to the surface of the earth and complete the water cycle.
  5. Green plants use photosynthesis to convert the solar energy into chemical energy that builds the bio mass which composes the fossil fuels.
  6. Solar energy is used by solar powered hot water systems to heat water. Some areas allow for almost 60 to 70% water used locally for up to 60 degree Celsius temperatures to be provided by solar heating.
  7. Solar energy was first used by Greeks and Romans in their designs. Their homes used to have south facing windows, which let the sun heat and light their indoor spaces. Greeks, Romans, Native Americans, Greeks, Romans, and pueblo people used the sun to warm their homes in one or the other way.
  8. Solar energy can help make brackish, potable or saline water. It allows dealing with waste water without any use of chemicals or electricity. Further, the energy is also used to create salt from sea water for years.
  9. Solar energy is used space missions to power spaceships.
  10. Developments in scientific researches are paving way for solar energy to be more reasonable down the road, with the costs reducing and efficiency increasing.
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Solar energy helps transform solar energy into various other forms such as electrical energy to fulfill global demands. At present, around 10% of global energy requirements are being catered to by solar energy, with the future potential being really strong.