
Even when talking about different types of pollution, we were unaware of these kinds of pollution such as plastic pollution, soil pollution, agricultural pollution, smog etc. But when we study the particular topic, it is very familiar to us. Thus let us understand what agricultural pollution is, their cause, types, prevention methods and effects, elaborately. […]

We had talked in detail about air pollution and its causes. As we have seen in it, smog is an air pollutant. So what about Ozone? Let us study smog and also the link between ozone and smog. The geographical and climatic conditions, its causes, effects on human and the prevention and control measures are […]

The subject light pollution is not complete unless and until we know the effects of light pollution. Hence we go drilling deep into the subject and come up with those diamonds of knowledge in the form of : effects of light pollution on humans, on wildlife and ecosystems, and natural night sky. Until now you […]

It really astonishing that even light pollutes…Really? Does that happen? Is that the question on your mind? It is really sad to say a big bold YES. Let us look deeply into what light pollution is, its definition,  main sources or causes, different types of light pollution, and its effects. Something is lacking, right? Yes, […]

The most dangerous and common pollution of the century, should be plastic pollution. Plastic pollution is a big question that is posed to the World, right now. Due to the non-biodegradable nature of plastic, it is quite dangerous to make our environment polluted with plastics. Due to its property, plastic gained wide use over the whole […]

While talking about pollution and by going into each types of pollution in detail, we may feel that there is no part of thing that is not polluted. That thought cannot be wrong as we come up with another kind of pollution, named thermal pollution. Thermal pollution, by the name itself, it implies it is […]

Pollution all around us have done a lot to the environment. No good move is it to pollute our environment so badly. Due to the environmental pollution we have made, has now started paying off. The sudden changes in the climate and those unidentified diseases seem to be astonishing. This is not the time to […]

When we go in detail about each kind of pollution, the facts may seem very surprising and it is also wondering to know about nuclear pollution. Many people ask does nuclear energy cause pollution. The answer is a big, bold YES. Here, we discuss a lot about what is nuclear pollution, its causes, effects and […]

Ears are exhausted with different kinds of those nasty voices all around. Is that too a pollution? No one has ever had a day or night without closing their ears at least once, because of irritated noise. Do you know what noise pollution is and what are its causes and effects? We shall detail each […]

Pollution and contamination everywhere… We have seen what is pollution and the different types of pollution. Thus we had made a promise to you all that we will detail what each kind of pollution is. Water is one of the most essential elements for living things to survive. That water being polluted is not going […]

As we see pollution is one of the biggest threats that are being faced by the world now, all people from all corners is working for reducing it to a great extent. While pollution started alarming with its causes, United States was one of the countries that took immediate preventive measures against it. Let us […]

One of the most discussed topics in the world – Air pollution. What is air pollution and why have it gained so much significance in today’s world. While discussing about air pollution it’s obvious that we discuss about its causes and consequences. We will take you through them. What is Air pollution Causes of Air […]

Pollution has become the most discussed word on our planet in recent times. Everyone from children to presidents are interested in it now. What makes the pollution become discussed so vigorously nowadays. Here, we discuss about pollution and its different kinds in brief. Each kind of pollution shall be discussed in detail under those heads. […]