Ash gourd juice recipe for weight loss and reduce obesity

There are many juices, food and diet that are beneficial in reducing weight. But what exactly is the right? Any idea?

The most beneficial way to cut down your pounds is to work out along with an eye on the intake of water and food. Let us discuss about the right weight loss diet in another head. Here we are talking about the variety of weight loss juices with their benefits and side effects. We always wanted such kind of studies where we get complete understanding of a particular item. The search turned off our spirits since we couldn’t get to know everything.

Thus came up to help all those who have the same taste and desire. As each individual is different from the other, it is always better to know about self. Knowing ourselves can help you choose the best diet and work out which in turn will help you lose fat and weight quickly. There is no easy way to reach the target of having a slim and fit body. It is your will power and hardworking mind that will help you.

Here we come up with another juice using Ash gourd, which is supported and proved by both studies and testimonials that help us to lose weight soon. Let’s look into it:


  1. Ash gourd (winter melon) – 1 piece
  2. Honey- 1 teaspoon
  3. Ginger – 1 piece

Method of preparing Ash gourd juice

Peel away the skin and pull out the seeds of ash gourd. Wash and clean it properly. Peel and clean ginger also. Blend them together in a mixer. Drain it in a muslin cloth to extract the complete juice out of it. Add honey to it. You can consume this juice whenever you want. But for best results can have it early morning on empty stomach.

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Ash gourd is a water content vegetable that is being used by obese people as part of their diet to reduce fat. Ginger is a good spice that also helps in cutting down the weight. When such two fat cutters join hands it should be unbeatable. In addition, honey, which is known for the weight reduction is also added in this juice for giving out the best outcome.

Health benefits of Ash gourd

In addition to the weight reduction, ash gourd aka winter melon has huge health benefits. We shall look into it:

  1. Ash gourd/ Winter melon or gourd is one of the best foods that are used for obesity. The water content of ash gourd is it speciality. It has high fibre content and it increases the metabolic rate. Both these properties help in weight reduction and also maintain the weight.
  2. Due to the high fibre content, there will be no constipation issue for those who use it.
  3. Winter gourd has the medicinal value that is being used to treat mental illness. It serves as an anti-depressant. And thus helpful in treating such patients. It also helps in treating the sleep disorders.
  4. It is a vegetable that can be used even in case of internal bleeding and strengthens the internal organs of the body. It is said to cure cold, cough and even used for treating asthma.
  5. Ash gourd is a stamina booster and also an immunity builder. It is also good for all fatigues that are caused by anaemia, Tb etc. Adding sugar with the pulp of ash gourd is a great medicine in treating anaemia.
  6. The power of ash gourd to maintain the water level in the body is always appreciated. There is never a question of dehydration and thus protects us from all urinary infections too. Being a detoxifier it helps in flushing out all toxins from body through urine.
  7. It is a best beauty tonic that helps in removing black marks, scars and acnes. Applying the juice of ash gourd removes such spots and makes the skin glow. It also helps in removing the sun tan.
  8. The seeds of ash gourd help in expelling the intestinal worms such as tape worms. Powdered ash gourd seeds in coconut milk helps in ejecting those worms out of the intestines.
  9. Ulcers and mouth ulcers are cured by this magical juice of ash gourd. Internal ulcers can be cured by consuming this juice. Mouth ulcers can be cured by the mouth gargling of this juice. It is believed to cure the mouth cancers too.
  10. The skin and seeds of ash gourd can cure the dandruff and drying of scalp. Boil the seeds and skin in water and wash the head with this water when cooled.
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There are no proved side effects of ash gourd. None have heard about any its negatives. But it is better to be on the safer side. Better consult your medical practitioner before making it a regular part of your diet.

Also read Coriander leaves juice recipe for losing weight & belly fat and Moringa Leaves Juice recipe for weight loss

Let us give it a try!